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Discover remote working at Orca Scan 👨‍💻

Oops! We’ve been hiding our amazing colleagues behind our barcodes! Next on the list of amazing employee stories is Sami, our Software Engineer 🚀

Sami, Software Engineer @ Orca Scan
Sami, Software Engineer @ Orca Scan

A little bit of context: Meet Sami 💛

Name: Sami

Age: 22

Degree: Self-taught Software Engineer

Current role: Software Engineer

Orca-Anniversary: Feb 2022

Hey Sami 👋 How long have you been working at Orca Scan?

Hey guys, I’ve been working at Orca Scan for two years.

What is your role?

My formal role is a Software Engineer, but I like to call myself a Bug Squasher (or sometimes a Bug Creator 🤭)

Do you enjoy working remotely? If so, what’s your favourite thing about it?

Yes, I definitely do; my favourite thing about it is working with amazing people from around the world.

What’s your least favourite thing about remote working?

Hmm, the first thing that popped up in my mind was not being able to see my team. We try to go around this with video calls, but still, nothing is like seeing people in person.

Orca Scan has helped me to level up as both an engineer and as an individual
Sami IbrahimSoftware EngineerOrca Scan

How do you start your working day from home? Are you a coffee or tea person?

Neither, I’m a water person. I start my day with a cup of water, and that’s it: no breakfast, no coffee, no tea. But I do grab a cup of coffee from time to time ☕

Why were you interested in joining a fully-remote global team?

Two reasons; the first is to be able to meet and work with people from different places in the world and to be able to work from anywhere.

The team is so caring about my well-being and they always try their best to ensure I’m enjoying the work I do
Sami IbrahimSoftware EngineerOrca Scan

Communication is crucial for our team to work well and succeed. Do you think Orca Scan provides effective ways for the team to communicate? If so, please explain how.

Yes, the team members are always easy to access via Spatial and Slack (we use these daily to keep in touch with our team!)

Working remotely / at home requires a high level of self-discipline and motivation. How do you stay focused and productive throughout your workday?

I do this by separating my work setup from my personal setup; usually, the home is quiet, so it’s easy to focus. Sometimes, the home gets quite busy with guests, so in those cases, I escape to a coffee shop and work from there.

Make sure to separate your work and personal space so your productivity doesn’t dip, but enjoy it!
Sami IbrahimSoftware EngineerOrca Scan

As you live in another timezone, do you find it challenging to work with the team and keep in touch when they are located worldwide?

No, not really; I think it’s mainly because the timezone difference isn’t that big between the UK and Jeddah.

What is your favourite project you’ve worked on since being at Orca Scan?

I’ve worked on a lot of interesting projects at Orca Scan, the most recent one being removing the 500-row limit from mobile and adding virtualisation to ensure high performance on low-end devices.

Do you think Orca Scan provides you with a supportive working environment? If so, how?

Yes absolutely. Since I started working here, Orca Scan has helped me a lot to level up both as an engineer and an individual. The team is so caring about my well-being, and they’ll try their best to ensure I’m enjoying the work I do.

Any advice for someone who wants to join a fully remote team?

Make sure to separate your work and personal space so your productivity doesn’t dip, and enjoy it.

If our interview with Sami has peaked your interest and you’d like to work at Orca Scan, please contact us today with your CV, or check out our job opportunities, and let’s talk business! 📩🚀

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