Cannabis Barcode Scanner: Seed-to-Sale Tracking Solution

Need a reliable way to track cannabis products, regardless of location? Orca Scan provides a universal solution for suppliers in both regulated and non-regulated markets in the United States and beyond. In just one scan, our technology captures crucial product and regulatory information from GS1 barcodes, including everything from THC and CBD content to cultivar and cannabis plant harvest date. Our solution captures it all.

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Trusted by over 50,000 organisations in over 165 countries

Cannabis Tracking for Compliance and Efficiency

Eliminate manual errors, stay audit-ready, and ensure accuracy throughout your entire supply chain

Track cannabis products from seed to sale with barcodes

  • -18fffabd

    Manage Multiple Locations

    Views make it easy to merge the inventory data from all locations into one combined sheet

    Manage Multiple Locations
  • collaborate-with-your-team-18bfe7ed

    Collaborate with Your Team

    Work together in real-time to manage inventory levels and track assets across locations

    Collaborate with Your Team
  • connect-hardware-scanners-197fa568

    Connect Hardware Scanners

    Designed to grow with you, start with smartphones and tablets and add Enterprise scanners when needed

    Connect Hardware Scanners
  • detailed-history-log-18bf0a56

    Detailed History Log

    Our history log is invaluable in Cannabis management, offering detailed tracking of each item from seed to sale

Key feature Images
Key feature Images
Key feature Images

Powerful features to improve your workflow

Automate, integrate and collaborate — all in real time

Here's why thousands of teams count on Orca Scan

Trusted by businesses worldwide

  • Mark Berry

    Theatre Inventory Implants Manager at Northumbria NHS Trust Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars
    Northumbria NHS Trust

    The cost savings staffing-wise is phenomenal

  • Margaret Tingley

    Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars

    Love this product. Support awesome.

  • KCLI

    Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars

    best barcode / qrcode scanner


  • Piyush Chauhan

    Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars

    Very good app for inventory user must try

  • Christy Johnson

    Paramedic Supervisor at Leavenworth County EMS Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars
    Leavenworth County EMS

    If you work in the medical field and need to keep track of your medical equipment, and want to be able to customise it for your service, then Orca Scan is the solution

  • Brian Kuervers

    Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars Filled review Stars

    Good product

    Use all the time to do inventory and it works good

Certified and Trusted: Quality You Can Rely On

Backed by Industry-Leading Certifications

How to Get Started with This Solution

Why is it important to track cannabis products?

Over the last 10 years, the legal status of cannabis has changed from state to state. As of 2024, 18 states in the USA permit recreational use, while 35 states only allow medical marijuana. With each law passed, some regulations must be followed to ensure safety for growers, businesses and customers.

Both growers and businesses can use a cannabis barcode scanner to track their products and keep an audit and compliance record for each plant and purchase.

Why should I track cannabis products with Orca Scan?

The Orca Scan Cannabis Management solution is a fully configurable solution for suppliers in both regulated and non-regulated markets in the United States and beyond.

You can customise your solution to capture specific details, such as the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or Cannabidiol (CBD) content, cultivar, supplier info, and more to perfectly fit your unique tracking needs. You can also employ triggers to create custom workflows, boosting the efficiency and accuracy of your operations.

What cannabis data can I track with Orca Scan?

Using Orca Scan’s Cannabis Tracking Solution, you can:

  • Automatically extract data within GS1 barcodes to see everything from THC and CBD content to cultivar and cannabis plant harvest date, our solution captures it all
  • Set and receive alerts for stock thresholds to maintain optimal levels
  • Get in-app notifications when an expired product is scanned
  • Have all your data stored securely in the cloud
  • Access your data from any web browser or smartphone
  • Share data across multiple sites/locations
  • Use existing hardware (smartphones, tablets or barcode scanners)
  • Fully customise the solution to meet your needs

How do I track cannabis products without barcodes?

For Cannabis products without a barcode, you can design and print barcode labels directly from the Orca Scan web and mobile applications. This ensures all your products are easily trackable using a cannabis barcode scanner.

How do I start tracking cannabis with Orca Scan?

When you’re ready to get started, you can use the solution by:

  1. Downloading the Orca Scan barcode app
  2. Creating a new sheet with the Cannabis Tracking Template
  3. Scanning existing barcodes or generate and print new barcodes
  4. Entering the product information and quantity
  5. Adding fields to capture additional information (if needed)
  6. Saving the changes

Does Orca Scans cannabis solution support multiple locations?

Yes of course, you can oversee products and operations across different locations using a cannabis barcode scanner by:

  1. Starting with the cannabis tracking template
  2. Adding fields to capture additional information (if needed)
  3. Duplicating the sheet for each site you want to track
  4. Assigning appropriate users to their respective sheets
  5. Merging sheets for an integrated view of your operations at all sites

Does Orca Scan provide an audit trail?

Yes. Orca Scan’s history log is invaluable in Cannabis management, offering detailed tracking of each item from seed to sale. The history log is a key feature in the continuous improvement of your business operations, as you can identify inefficiencies, ensure quality control, and maintain regulatory compliance.

Cannabis Tracking related questions?

If you need help brainstorming how best to track your inventory, get in touch; we’d be happy to help.

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