Updating Orca Scan data from your system

What is a WebHook In?

A WebHook In (also known as incoming WebHook) allows data within Orca Scan to be updated by an external system as events happen.

How does a WebHook In work?

Every Orca sheet has its own unique WebHook In URL; external systems can send data to this URL to add, update or delete a row within a sheet.

Make changes to your Orca Scan sheet via an external system using WebHook In
Make changes to your Orca Scan sheet via an external system using WebHook In

Data must be sent as an HTTP POST in JSON format and contain a ___orca_action key, for example:

Add a new row

The following example adds a new row to a sheet, setting the value of Barcode, Name, Quantity and Description:

    "___orca_action": "add",
    "Barcode": "0123456789",
    "Name": "New 1",
    "Quantity": 12,
    "Description": "Add new row example"

Update an existing row

The following example updates an existing row in a sheet, setting the Quantity to 75 where the Barcode = 8511207696421

    "___orca_action": "update",
    "Barcode": "8511207696421",
    "Quantity": 75

Note: if the row to be updated does not exist, a new row is created.

Delete a row

The following example deletes a row from a sheet where Barcode = 8511207696421

    "___orca_action": "delete",
    "Barcode": "8511207696421"

Apply multiple changes with one request

The following example adds two rows and deletes one, with one request:

	    "___orca_action": "add",
	    "Barcode": "0123456789",
	    "Name": "New 1",
	    "Quantity": 12,
	    "Description": "Add new row example"
	    "___orca_action": "add",
	    "Barcode": "9876543210",
	    "Name": "New 2",
	    "Quantity": 19
	    "___orca_action": "delete",
	    "Barcode": "8511207696421",

How do I create a WebHook In?

In order to create a Webhook In, you only need to send a POST request to the URL that you have been given with the action desired and the data of the object in JSON format as explained above.

As can be observed, in the following example snippets you will need to access the /trigger-webhook-in route on your server in order to launch the request.

Node.js C# Go Python PHP Java
app.get('/trigger-webhook-in', function(request, response) { // the following example adds a new row to a sheet const json = JSON.stringify( { "___orca_action": "add", "Barcode": "0123456789", "Name": "New 1", "Quantity": 12, "Description": "Add new row example" } ); // TODO: change url to https://api.orcascan.com/sheets/{id} const res = await axios.post("https://httpbin.org/post", json, { headers: { // Overwrite Axios's automatically set Content-Type 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }); response.sendStatus(200); });
[ApiController] [Route("/trigger-webhook-in")] public class OrcaWebHookInDotNet : ControllerBase { [HttpGet] public async Task<OkResult> WebHookTrigger() { // the following example adds a new row to a sheet // setting the value of Barcode, Name, Quantity and Description // TODO: change url to https://api.orcascan.com/sheets/{id} string url = "https://httpbin.org/post"; string json = "{\"___orca_action\":\"add\",\"___orca_sheet_name\":\"Sheet1\",\"Barcode\":\"123456789\",\"Name\":\"Test\",\"Quantity\":\"1\",\"Description\":\"Test\"}"; // send post request var client = new HttpClient(); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var result = await client.PostAsync(url, content); // if response ok print it if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var response = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine(response); } return Ok(); } }
func webHookInHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { values := map[string]string{ "___orca_action": "add", "Barcode": "0123456789", "Name": "New 1", "Quantity": "12", "Description": "Add new row example", } jsonValue, _ := json.Marshal(values) // The following example adds a new row to a sheet // setting the value of Barcode, Name, Quantity and Description // TODO: change url to https://api.orcascan.com/sheets/{id} response, err := http.Post("https://httpbin.org/post", "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonValue)) if err != nil { // read response error fmt.Println(err) } else { // read response body body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) data := map[string]string{} jsonErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &data) if jsonErr != nil { return } fmt.Println(data) } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.Write([]byte("OK")) return }
@app.route('/trigger-webhook-in', methods=['GET']) def trigger_webhook_in(): # the following example adds a new row to a sheet # setting the value of Barcode, Name, Quantity and Description # TODO: change url to https://api.orcascan.com/sheets/{id} response = requests.post('https://httpbin.org/post', json={ "___orca_action": "add", "Barcode": "0123456712", "Name": "New 1", "Quantity": 12, "Description": "Add new row example" }) if response.ok: print(response.content) return "ok"
if (preg_match('/trigger-webhook-in$/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { // The following example adds a new row to a sheet // setting the value of Barcode, Name, Quantity and Description $data = array( "___orca_action" => "update", "barcode" => "0123456789", "Name" => "New 1", "Quantity" => 12, "Description" => "Add new row example" ); // TODO: change url to https://api.orcascan.com/sheets/{id} $url = 'https://httpbin.org/post'; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen(json_encode($data)) )); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $response; } }
@RequestMapping( value = "/trigger-webhook-in", method = RequestMethod.GET) String triggerWebhookIn() throws Exception { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); // The following example adds a new row to a sheet // setting the value of Barcode, Name, Quantity and Description // TODO: change url to https://api.orcascan.com/sheets/{id} String url = "https://httpbin.org/post"; JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("___orca_action", "add"); json.put("Barcode", "0123456789"); json.put("Name", "New 1"); json.put("Quantity", 12); json.put("Description", "Add new row example"); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(json.toJSONString(), headers); String answer = restTemplate.postForObject(url, entity, String.class); System.out.println(answer); return "ok"; }

A fully working version for all programming languages can be found on GitHub.

How do I get the WebHook In URL for my sheet?

To get the unique WebHook In URL for a sheet, simply:

1. Select a sheet

Select the relevant sheet or create a new one

Click on the sheet you want to make changes on
Click on the sheet you want to make changes on

2. Open Integrations

Open sheet Integrations from the toolbar

Click on the 'integrations' button at the top of the sheet
Click on the 'integrations' button at the top of the sheet

3. Activate WebHook In

Activate WebHook In by clicking the on the toggle.

Enable WebHook In access by turning the toggle 'on'
Enable WebHook In access by turning the toggle 'on'

4. Copy WebHook In URL

Click copy to the right of the WebHook In URL to copy the value to your clipboard.

Copy the WebHook In URL to the clipboard and save the changes
Copy the WebHook In URL to the clipboard and save the changes

You can now share this URL to allow developers/systems to update your barcode data.


You can secure your WebHook In by providing a secret. When set, the HTTP Header orca-secret must be provided with each request. Requests that do not match the secret set on your sheet will be rejected with a 403 Forbidden.

WebHook In FAQs

How do I ensure updates happen in the correct sequence?

A Web Hook In request will respond with a HTTP status code 200 once the update has been applied, wait for this response before sending the next request.

How many rows can I send in one request?

You can send a maximum of 100 rows in each request, any more than this will result in a HTTP 400 Bad Request error.

What is the rate limit?

You can send a maximum of 15 requests per second, exceeding this limit will result in a HTTP 503 Service Unavailable response.

WebHook questions?

We’re happy to help troubleshoot any issues you might have connecting Orca Scan to your system, simply chat with us live or drop us an email.

What error messages does the WebHook in return?

The following HTTP status codes indicate the success or failure of a request:

Status Error Message
200 Ok Request successful
400 Bad request Invalid row data
400 Bad request Too many rows; requests are limited to 100 rows
400 Bad request Invalid row data; missing Barcode value
400 Bad request Invalid ___orca_action; expected add, update or delete
400 Bad request Exceeded row limit, please upgrade
403 Forbidden You do not have permission to access this resource
404 Not found The requested URL was not found

All HTTP errors include a JSON body structured as follows:

  "status": 400,
  "error": "Bad request",
  "message": "Too many rows; requests are limited to 100 rows"

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