Validating barcode scans in real-time

What is a Validation URL?

When you add a Validation URL to your sheet, Orca Scan sends the data entered into the Orca mobile app to your URL to be validated before it is saved.

What can I do with the Validation URL?

You can use the Validation URL to:

How does the Validation URL work?

Let’s say a user scans a QR code containing an email address, and enters comments into a notes field. A HTTP POST will be sent to your URL containing:

    "___orca_sheet_name": "Vehicle Checks",
    "___orca_user_email": "hidden@requires.https",
    "barcode": "",
    "notes": "Something important!"

Along with the following HTTP Headers:

Parameter Description
orca-sheet-id Unique ID of the Orca Scan sheet
orca-sheet-name The name of the sheet making the request
orca-user-email Email of user scanning the barcode (requires HTTPS)
orca-timestamp UNIX epoch time of the request
orca-secret Sheet assigned secret (check this to verify request)
orca-request-type validation

Allowing you to inspect the data and decided if you should accept or reject.

How do I reject invalid data?

Return a HTTP status code 400 to reject data.

How do I show an error dialog in the app?

Return a HTTP status code 400 along with an ___orca_message with display set to dialog and type set to error, for example:

	"___orca_message": {
		"display": "dialog",
		"type": "error",
		"title": "Validation Error",
		"message": "Please provide more information"

A dialog will appear and the user will be unable to proceed until resolved:

A dialog will appear highlighting the Validation Error message, and the user will be unable to proceed until resolved.
A dialog will appear highlighting the Validation Error message, and the user will be unable to proceed until resolved.

How do I show a notification in the app?

Return an ___orca_message with display set to notification, for example:

    "___orca_message": {
		    "display": "notification",
		    "type": "success",
		    "message": "Please scan next item"

A notification will appear briefly at the top of the app:

A notification will appear briefly at the top of the app with the notification you set.
A notification will appear briefly at the top of the app with the notification you set.

There are three types of notifications to choose from:

Type Appearance
error A red notification appears at the top of the app.
warning A yellow notification appears at the top of the app.
success A green notification appears at the top of the app.

Can the Validation URL modify the data?

Yes. Simply return a HTTP status code 200 along with the modified data as a JSON object. The Orca barcode app will apply these changes, and, if no ___orca_message is present, allow the user to continue to the next task:

    "barcode": "",
    "notes": "Not that important :)"

How do I create a Validation URL?

You need to create an endpoint that accepts a HTTP POST. Once configured you will be able to accept or reject data depending on your code, or use it to guide the user into what action to perform next using a notification. Here are a few examples:

Node.js C# Go Python PHP Java
const app = express(); app.use(express.json());'/', function(request, response){ data = request.body; // dubug purpose: show in console raw data received console.log("Request received: \n"+JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); // orca system fields start with ___ // access the value of fields using field name // example: data.Name, data.Barcode, data.Location const name = data.Name // validation example if (name.length > 20) { // return error message to show user response.json({ "title": "Invalid Name", "message": "Name cannot contain more than 20 characters", }).send(); return; } // return HTTP Status 204 (no content) response.status(204).send(); }); app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Example app is listening on port 3000.'));
[ApiController] [Route("/")] public class OrcaValidationDotNet : ControllerBase { [HttpPost] [Consumes("application/json")] public async Task<ActionResult> validationReceiver() { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8)) { // get the raw JSON string string json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); // convert into .net object dynamic data = JObject.Parse(json); // orca system fields start with ___ // access the value of fields using field name // example: data.Name, data.Barcode, data.Location string name = (data.Name != null) ? (string) data.Name : ""; // validation example if (name.Length > 20) { // return error message to show user return Ok(new { title = "Name is too long", message = "Name cannot contain more than 20 characters" }); } } // return HTTP Status 204 (no content) return NoContent(); } }
func validationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Read body body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) defer r.Body.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500) return } // Parse JSON data var barcode OrcaBarcode jsonErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &barcode) if jsonErr != nil { fmt.Println(jsonErr) http.Error(w, jsonErr.Error(), 500) return } // dubug purpose: show in console raw data received fmt.Println(barcode) // orca system fields start with ___ // access the value of fields using field name // example: data.Name, data.Barcode, data.Location name := barcode.Name // validation example if (len(name) > 20) { // return error message to show user w.Write([]byte(`{ "title": "Invalid Name", "message": "Name must be less than 20 characters"} `)) return } // return HTTP Status 204 (no content) w.WriteHeader(204) }
@app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def orca_validation(): if request.method == 'POST': data = request.get_json() # dubug purpose: show in console raw data received print("Request received: \n"+json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) # orca system fields start with ___ # access the value of fields using field name # example: data["Barcode"], data["Location"] name = data["Name"] # validation example if(len(name) > 20): # return error message to show user return json.dumps({ "title": "Invalid Name", "message": "Name cannot contain more than 20 characters", }) # return HTTP Status 204 (no content) return '', 204
if (preg_match('/$/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); // orca system fields start with ___ // access the value of fields using field name // example: data.Name, data.Barcode, data.Location $name = $data["Name"]; // validation example if (strlen($name) < 20) { // return error message to show user echo json_encode(array( "title" => "Invalid Name", "message" => "Name cannot contain more than 20 characters" )); exit; } // return HTTP Status 204 (No Content) http_response_code(204); exit; } }
@RequestMapping( value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST) String index(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> data) throws Exception { // dubug purpose: show in console raw data received System.out.println(data); // orca system fields start with ___ // access the value of fields using field name // example: data.get("Barcode"), data.get("Location") String name = data.get("Name").toString(); // validation example if (name.length() > 20) { // return error message to show user JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("title", "Invalid Name"); json.put("message", "Name cannot contain more than 20 characters"); return json.toJSONString(); } // return HTTP Status 204 (no content) return ""; }

Full working examples for each language are available on GitHub.

How do I add a Validation URL to my sheet?

1. Edit Sheet Integrations

Click on the 'integrations' button at the top of the sheet
Click on the 'integrations' button at the top of the sheet

A Validation URL can only be set on sheets created at To add a Validation URL, select the sheet you would like to validate, then open the Integration Settings.

2. Add your Validation URL

Enter the Validation URL you'd like Orca Scan to integrate with
Enter the Validation URL you'd like Orca Scan to integrate with

Now enter the Validation URL you would like Orca Scan to call as items are updated. Please note: this URL must be publicly accessible.


You can provide a secret that will be sent as an HTTP header with every request; allowing you to confirm the request is from Orca Scan.

3. Test your Validation URL

Test your validation, if it works then you'll receive a 'passed' message
Test your validation, if it works then you'll receive a 'passed' message

You can now test the Validation URL by clicking the Test button. This will HTTP POST a JSON object to your server containing randomly generated data and display the result.

To test an error, simply have your endpoint return a JSON object containing a title and message and hit test again.

To test an error, have your endpoint return a JSON object containing a title and message and test again
To test an error, have your endpoint return a JSON object containing a title and message and test again

4. Save the changes

Finally, save the changes and you’re done. You can now select that sheet in the Orca Scan mobile app and test it.

Validation URL questions?

We’re happy to help you get up and running, chat with us live or drop us an email.

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