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How to add triggers to your Orca Scan sheet

You can use Triggers to add if-this-then-that logic to your sheets without code, to do things like:

Each trigger is made up of:

1. Open sheet triggers

Open a sheet, click Triggers and 'add trigger'.
Open a sheet, click Triggers and 'add trigger'.

Open the sheet you’d like to add a trigger onto. Click the trigger icon in the top right-hand corner and then click ‘Add trigger’.

2. Give your trigger a name

For maintainability, give your trigger a meaningful name. The name should reflect the purpose of the trigger, such as ‘Ask for damage details if vehicle is damaged’.

Give your trigger a name
Give your trigger a name

3. Set a trigger condition

Define a condition that must be true before your desired action should be taken. This could be something like when ‘Description (dropdown) contains Damaged’ or ‘when stock is less than 3’.

Set your trigger condition
Set your trigger condition


Condition Description
Does not exist in Barcode does not exist in lookup, sheet or datasource
Exists In Barcode exists in lookup, sheet or datasource
Does not match Regex Field value matches a Regular Expression
Is not empty Field contains any value
Is empty Field contains no value
Matches Regex Field value matches a Regular Expression
Equals Field contains the exact value
Does not start with Does not start with ‘x’
Is greater than Value is more than number provided
Is less than Value is less than number provided
Ends with Ends with ‘x’
Contains GS1 AI Field value contains a GS1 Application Identifier
Does not end with Does not end with ‘x’
Does not contain Field does not contain a particular set of characters
Contains Field contains a particular set of characters
Starts with Value starts with ‘x’
Does not equal Field does not contain the specified value

Matches Regex

You can use a Regular Expression (also known as RegEx) to perform an action when any of the fields contain a particular set of characters. RegEx isn’t just for validating—it can split, reformat, or extract precise information using the Set value action.


The regex (\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)-(/d+)$ is designed to match a string that consists of four groups of one or more digits, each group separated by a hyphen.

Using the following as input:


You can reference these groups as $1, $2, etc., to extract their matched values.

We love Regular Expressions, but they can be tricky, RegEx 101 is a great tool to use when writing and testing your expressions. If you need step-by-step guidance, RegexOne offers fantastic tutorials. Need a hand? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Contains GS1 AI

GS1 (also known as Global Standards 1) is an international standards organisation that has set a series of standards for how information is encoded within a barcode.

These globally adopted standards help computer systems around the world make sense of physical objects as they move through the supply chain.

The Contains GS1 AI condition can be used to perform an action when a barcode contains a specific GS1 Application Identifier.

When used in conjunction with the Set value action, values such as serial number, expiry date etc can be extracted from a GS1 barcode and moved into a relevant field/column.

4. Set a trigger action

Set a trigger action
Set a trigger action

A trigger action is what you want to happen when the defined condition is met.

At present, the possible actions are:


Action Description
Move Row Move or update a row in a selected sheet when criteria is met
Play Sound Play a success, warning or error sound
Clear ReadOnly Users can edit the value
Set ReadOnly Users are unable to edit the value
Set value Apply custom value to selected field when trigger criteria is met
Clear required Remove required status from a field when trigger criteria is met
Set required Set a field to required when trigger criteria is met
Notify me Email account holder when trigger criteria is met
Show Show the selected field when trigger criteria is met
Hide Hide the selected field when trigger criteria is met
Clear value Clear the value of the selected fields when trigger criteria is met

If you’d like us to add something else to the list, please let us know.

5. Save the changes

Click save to confirm the trigger.
Click save to confirm the trigger.

Finally, save the changes, and you’re done. You can now scan a barcode or enter data and see your trigger in action.

How do I set up low stock notifications?

Set up a low stock level for each specific Item:

  1. Create a minimum stock column
    • Add a new column Min Stock, assign it a Data type of Number
    • Ensure to Save
    • Enter the minimum stock levels for each Item
  2. Add a trigger using the following:

That’s it. Whenever a product quantity falls below the Min Stock level, you will receive an email notification with related product information.

Questions about triggers?

We’re always happy to help, chat with us live or drop us an email.

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