You can configure the Zebra MC3300x RFID scanner to work with Orca Scan using the following steps:
- Open the Google Play App store
- Download the Orca Scan mobile app
- Open Orca Scan and login or register
- Open the Settings application
- Open Key Programmer
- Close the settings
- To include barcode scanning (optional)
- From within the Key Programming menu
- Select the key that has the description “SCAN”
- Select “SCAN”
- This will use the wide yellow button just below the MC3300R’s screen.
- Open the 123RFID application
- Open Settings > Regulatory
- Select your region
- Close 123RFID
- Open the DataWedge Application (version 11.2.28)
- Create a new profile (top right menu)
- Name it Orca Scan
- Set Associated apps to com.orcascan.bulkbarcodescanner
- Select Profile enabled
- Scroll down to RFID Input
- Select Enabled
- Enable Hardware Trigger
- Confirm the Reader selection sees an MC3300 device
- Open Configure reader settings
- Enable Filter duplicate tags
- Set Antenna transmit power to 27 dBm
- Scroll down to Keystroke Output
- Select Enabled
- Set Inter character delay to 10 ms
- Open Basic data formatting
- Enable Send data
- Enable Send ENTER key
- Close the Data Wedge app
That’s it; you can now scan RFID tags using Orca Scan by pulling the trigger.
Zebra MC3300x specs
- Android 11
- 801.11a/b/g/n/ac/d/h/i/k/r/w & Bluetooth connectivity
- 4” Gorilla Glass touchscreen colour display
- 29-key, 38-key & 47-key keypad options
- Multiple RFID standards supported
- 865MHz-928MHz frequency range
- SE4750SR scan engine & LED aimer
- 4GB RAM, 32GB Flash
- IP54 durability rating
Scan barcodes into the systems you love
You can use the Zebra MC3300x with Orca Scan to scan barcodes into the following systems:
- Scan barcodes into an Excel spreadsheet
- Scan barcodes into a Google spreadsheet
- Build dashboards using Google Data Studio
- Visualise barcode data using Microsoft Power BI
Zebra MC3300x related questions?
We’re happy to help troubleshoot using Orca Scan with the Zebra MC3300x, chat with us live or drop us an email.