The Munbyn IPDA056 is an Android 8.1 based barcode scanner that works out of the box with Orca Scan
Munbyn IPDA056 specs
- Android 8.1 (Oreo) Operating System
- Pistol Grip
- 5.2” touch screen
- Zebra 4750 scan head
- 1D & 2D barcode reading
- Build-in WiFi and SIM connectivity
- Waterproof with IP65 drop protection
Munbyn IPDA056 setup guide
- Download Orca Scan from Google Play
- Log in or register for an account
- Launch Keyboard Emulator app
- Tap Function top left
- Ensure Enable Scanner is turned on
- Under Barcode Select Barcode2D
- Go to App Settings at the top
- Scroll down to Process Mode
- Enable Keyboard Input
- Under End Mark enable Enter
- Under Data Format > Barcode > select default
- Close Keyboard Emulator app
That’s it! You can now use the scan buttons on the IPDA056 to capture data.
Scan barcodes into the systems you love
You can now use the IPDA056 to scan barcodes into the following systems:
- Scan barcodes into an Excel spreadsheet
- Scan barcodes into a Google spreadsheet
- Build dashboards using Google Data Studio
- Visualise barcode data using Microsoft Power BI
Munbyn IPDA056 related questions?
We’re happy to help troubleshoot any issues you have using Munbyn IPDA056 with Orca scan, feel free to chat with us live or drop us an email.
Munbyn IPDA056 related files
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