Using the Symbol CS4070 scanner with Orca Scan

The Symbol CS4070 barcode scanner (also known as Zebra CS4070) is a pocket-sized bluetooth barcode scanner that adds enterprise grade barcode scanning capability to any iOS or Android device.

Symbol CS4070 specs

Symbol CS4070 setup guide

  1. Open Bluetooth Settings on your device
  2. Hold the Bluetooth button on the CS4070 for 3 seconds (it should beep)
  3. Now tap the CS4070 on your smartphone to connect
  4. Launch Orca Scan mobile app

That’s it! You can now use the scan button on the CS4070 to capture data.

Scan barcodes into the systems you love

You can now use the CS4070 to scan barcodes into the following systems:

As always, we’re happy to help troubleshoot any issues connecting Orca Scan to the Symbol CS4070, feel free to chat with us live or drop us an email.

Symbol CS4070 related files

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