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Open Graph tags found
The following Open Graph tags where found on this webpage:
<meta property="og:locale" content="vi" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Laptop ASUS Vivobook R564JA-UH51T | HAPPY TECH STORE" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Laptop Asus Vivobook R56JA-UH51T – Laptop mỏng nhẹ, hiệu năng ổn định Thế nào là chiếc máy tính hoàn hảo? Thiết kế mỏng nhẹ, cấu hình mạnh mẽ là những tiêu chí giúp chọn ra một chiếc máy tính phù hợp với mọi nhu cầu người dùng. Đừng tìm đâu xa mà hãy tham khảo" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
Open Graph tags missing
The following Open Graph tags are missing from this webpage:
<meta property="og:type" content="your value" />
<meta property="og:logo" content="your value" />
Why should I fix Open Graph issues?
Open Graph tags can help improve your SEO by ensuring your webpage appears correctly when shared on social media and as a result, increase traffic and its potential to earn backlinks.
How does Orca Scan use Open Graph tags?
We use Open Graph tags from product pages to deliver dynamic landing pages when a consumer scans a GS1 Digital Link QR code on retail packaging, you can give this a try using our free GS1 Digital Link preview tool.