How to extract data from barcodes

Orca Scan Variables make it easy to extract data from a barcode value
Orca Scan Variables make it easy to extract data from a barcode value

Orca Scan Variables make it easy to extract data from a barcode value and move it to another field. Simply add a variable as a default value to one of your fields and scan a barcode. To get started:

  1. Download the Orca Scan barcode app
  2. Create a new sheet
  3. Add columns/fields for each value you want to extract
  4. Enter an Orca Variable as the default value for each field
    Default value inside the add column dialogue
    Default value inside the add column dialogue
  5. Save the changes
  6. Scan the relevant barcode to see the data extracted

How do Orca Variables work?

Orca Variables have the following structure $TYPE:PROPERTY:FORMAT

There are times when you may need to extract data from an unstructured barcode; that is barcodes that contain data that does not follow a specific standard. In such cases, you would use the $RAW variable listed below.

Orca Scan supports:

Barcode Standards: GS1, HIBC, ISBT, UDI, FMD

Data Formats: JSON, URL, CSV, PSV, TSV, RAW

Barcode Standards


Get data from a GS1 barcode using the following variables:

Use our free GS1 Barcode Decoder to copy the variables easily

Variable GS1 AI Description
$GS1:SSCC 00 SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code)
$GS1:GTIN 01 8, 12, 13 or 14 Digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
$GS1:CONTENT 02 GTIN of contained trade items
$GS1:LOT 10 Batch or lot number
$GS1:MANUFACTUREDATE 11 Production date
$GS1:DUEDATE 12 Due date
$GS1:PACKINGDATE 13 Packaging date
$GS1:BESTBEFOREDATE 15 Best before date
$GS1:SELLBYDATE 16 Sell by date
$GS1:EXPIRYDATE 17 Expiration date
$GS1:SERIAL 21 Serial number
$GS1:CPV 22 Consumer product variant
$GS1:GDTI 253 Global Document Type Identifier
$GS1:GCN 255 Global Coupon Number
$GS1:GINC 401 Global Identification Number for Consignment
$GS1:GSIN 402 Global Shipment Identification Number
$GS1:GLN 414 GLN (Global location number)
$GS1:GRAI 8003 Global Returnable Asset Identifier
$GS1:GIAI 8004 Global Individual Asset Identifier
$GS1:CPID 8010 Component Part Identifier
$GS1:GMN 8013 Global Model Number
$GS1:GSRN 8018 Global Service Relation Number
$GS1:3340 3340 Area in square metres
$GS1:GTIN8 n/a 8 Digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
$GS1:GTIN12 n/a 12 Digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
$GS1:GTIN13 n/a 13 Digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
$GS1:GTIN14 01 14 Digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
$GS1:AI n/a Replace AI with GS1 Application Identifier num
$GS1:ISVALID n/a True if valid GS1

Note: If the barcode scanned is not a valid GS1 barcode, no data is returned.


Extract data from a Health Industry Bar Code (HIBC) using the following variables:

Use our free HIBC Barcode Decoder to copy the variables easily

Variable Description
$HIBC:BARCODE Correctly formatted HIBC barcode
$HIBC:TYPE Concatenated, Line1 or Line2
$HIBC:LIC Labeler Identification Code
$HIBC:UOM Unit Of Measure
$HIBC:PCN Product or Catalog Number
$HIBC:LOT Lot number
$HIBC:CHECK Check character
$HIBC:ISCONCATENATED True if concatenated HIBC
$HIBC:ISPRIMARY True if primary HIBC
$HIBC:ISSECONDARY True if secondary HIBC
$HIBC:ISVALID True if valid HIBC

Note: If the barcode scanned is not a valid HIBC barcode, no data is returned.


Get data from an ISBT barcode using the following variables:

Variable Description
$ISBT:DI Device Identifier for Blood Container
$ISBT:SERIAL Serial Number
$ISBT:DIN Donation Identification Number
$ISBT:EXPIRYDATE Expiration Date
$ISBT:LOT Lot Number
$ISBT:ISVALID True if valid ISBT

Note: If the barcode scanned is not a valid ISBT barcode, no data is returned.


UDI barcodes can be encoded using the GS1, HIBC or ISBT barcode standard. Using the $UDI variable allows you to extract the correct data, regardless of the standard used. To get data from a UDI barcode, use the following variables:

Use our free UDI Barcode Decoder to copy the variables easily

Variable Description
$UDI:DI Device Identifier (GTIN, PCN)
$UDI:LOT Lot Number
$UDI:EXPIRYDATE Expiration Date
$UDI:SERIAL Serial Number
$UDI:PRODDATE Production/Manufacture Date
$UDI:TYPE Data structure GS1, HIBC or ISBT
$UDI:ISVALID True if valid UDI

Note: If the barcode scanned is not a valid UDI barcode, no data is returned.


Get data from an FMD barcode using the following variables:

Use our free FMD Barcode Decoder to copy the variables easily

Variable Description
$FMD:SERIAL Serial Number
$FMD:LOT Lot or Batch Number
$FMD:EXPIRYDATE Expiration Date
$FMD:NHRN National Healthcare Reimbursement Number
$FMD:ISVALID True if valid FMD

Note: If the barcode scanned is not a valid FMD barcode, no data is returned.

Data Formats


Get values from a barcode containing JSON data:

Variable Description
$JSON:KEY Replace KEY with property name
$JSON:ISVALID True if valid JSON

Note: If the barcode scanned does not contain valid JSON, no data is returned.


Get data from a URL barcode using the following variables:

Variable Description
$URL:RAW The full URL
$URL:PROTOCOL The URL protocol http or https
$URL:HOST Host and port number if present
$URL:HOSTNAME Just the host name
$URL:PORT Port number 8080 or empty string if not specified
$URL:PATHNAME Path portion of the URL /directory/file.html
$URL:SEARCH URL search/query params
$URL:HASH Hash from the URL if present
$URL:USERNAME Username from the URL if present
$URL:PASSWORD Password from the URL if present
$URL:BASE Base portion of the URL
$URL:ISVALID True if valid URL

Note: If the barcode scanned is not a valid URL, no data is returned.


Get values from a barcode that contains CSV data:

Variable Description
$CSV:ROW1 Replace 1 with row number to get full row
$CSV:ROW1COL1 Replace 1 with row and column number to get cell value

Using the following as input:



Get values from a barcode that contains Pipe Separated data:

Variable Description
$PSV:ROW1 Replace 1 with row number to get full row
$PSV:ROW1COL1 Replace 1 with row and column number to get cell value

Using the following as input:



Get values from a barcode that contains Tab Separated data:

Variable Description
$TSV:ROW1 Replace 1 with row number to get full row
$TSV:ROW1COL1 Replace 1 with row and column number to get cell value

Using the following as input:

Col1	Col2	Col3	Col4
A1	B1	C1	D1
A2	B2	C2	D2
A3	B3	C3	D3


Get data from a barcode value regardless of the format used:

Variable Description
$RAW:GET Get full value
$RAW:GET:FIRST3 Get first 3 characters
$RAW:GET:LAST3 Get last 3 characters
$RAW:GET:EX3 Get all but first 3 characters
$RAW:GET:EX-3 Get all but last 3 characters

Using the following as input:

Hello World


The third segment of an Orca Variable $TYPE:PROPERTY:FORMAT is used to format the result. By default, all values from known barcode standards are returned in the correct format (dates, weights, etc). You can use the FORMAT segment to modify the output to suit your needs:

1. True/False

You can convert the value into a boolean (true or false) using the following token:

Token Description
EXISTS Returns true if the value is not empty, otherwise false
BOOL Returns true if the value true or 1 otherwise false

2. Dates

You can convert a date into another format using a combination of the following tokens:

Token Description Example output
DDDD Full day name Saturday
DDD 3 character day name Sat
DD Day in double-digit format 02
D Day in single-digit format 2
MMMM Full name of month January
MMM Month in 3 character format Jan
MM Month in double-digit format 03
M Month in single-digit format 3
YYYY 4 digit year 2019
YYY 3 digit year 019
YY 2 digit year 19
CC 2 digit century 20
HH 2 digit hour 03
H 1 digit hour 3
mm 2 digit minute 02
m 1 digit minute 3

Using the following GS1 barcode value as an example:


3. Characters

You can extract only a specific number or type of characters using the token below, followed by the number of characters:

Token Description
N Numeric digit
A Alpha character
X Alphanumeric character
FIRST First n characters from the left
LAST Last n characters from the right
EX All but n number of characters

You must follow each token with a number of characters, for example:

Example Description
N3 3 numeric digits
A3 3 alpha characters
X3 3 alphanumeric characters
N..3 0 to 3 numeric digits
A..3 0 to 3 alpha characters
X..3 0 to 3 alphanumeric characters
FIRST3 Take the FIRST 3 characters
LAST3 Take the LAST 3 characters
EX3 Excludes all but FIRST 3 characters
EX-3 Excludes all but LAST 3 characters

Using the following barcode value as an example:

Orca Scan

System Variables

The following variables provide access to User and Date information:

Variable Description
$USER:EMAIL Get email address of the user
$DATE:NOW Get the current date and time

Using Variables With Triggers

Variables can be used within triggers to set conditions and specify actions.


Trigger conditions needed to be notified when you are low on stock
Trigger conditions needed to be notified when you are low on stock
Trigger conditions needed to capture the user that delivered the parcel to the customer
Trigger conditions needed to capture the user that delivered the parcel to the customer

For detailed instructions on creating triggers, check out our triggers guide.

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