Honeywell CT37: 5G/Wi-Fi 6E Scanning with Orca Scan

The Honeywell CT37 barcode scanner is specifically designed for front-line workers in retail, transportation & logistics, field operations, and healthcare environments.

Robust 5G and Wi-Fi 6E connectivity are key features of this device, ensuring reliable communication and data access, even in high-density network areas.

Honeywell CT37
Honeywell CT37

Honeywell CT37 specs

Honeywell CT37 setup guide

To use Orca Scan on the Honeywell CT37:

  1. Open the Google Play App store
  2. Download the Orca Scan mobile app
  3. Launch the Orca Scan mobile app
  4. Log in or register for an Orca Scan account

You’re all set! You can now use the scan buttons on the CT37 to capture data.

Scan barcodes into the systems you love

You can use the CT37 to scan barcodes into the following systems:

We’re happy to help troubleshoot issues using Orca Scan with the CT37, chat with us live or drop us an email.

Honeywell CT37 related files

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