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Decoded UDI barcode information for:

valid: 0104546540402127172202081058667903 is a valid UDI barcode
Name Description Orca Variable Value
Device Identifier Device Identifier (GTIN, PCN) $UDI:DI 04546540402127
Lot Number Lot Number of a Device $UDI:LOT 58667903
Expiry Date Expiry Date of a Device $UDI:EXPIRYDATE 2022-02-08T00:00:00Z
Barcode Type The Standard the UDI Barcode follows $UDI:TYPE GS1

UDI (Unique Device Identifier) Barcodes uniquely identify medical devices to aid in supply chain tracking, helping protect patients from faulty devices identified after distribution. Enter a UDI barcode value to see a detailed breakdown of the encoded information or learn more in our 'What is a UDI Barcode?' guide.

What information does a UDI barcode contain?

A UDI can be divided into a Device Identifier, containing manufacturer and general device information, and a Production Identifier, that provides device-specific information.

Name Description Orca Variable
Device Identifier Device Identifier (GTIN, PCN) $UDI:DI
Lot Number Lot Number of a Device $UDI:LOT
Expiry Date Expiry Date of a Device $UDI:EXPIRYDATE
Serial Number Serial Number of a Device $UDI:SERIAL
Production Date Production Date of a Device $UDI:PRODDATE
Barcode Type The Standard the UDI Barcode follows $UDI:TYPE

How to extract UDI barcode data from a spreadsheet?

The Orca Scan web app automatically extracts data from each UDI barcode into separate columns. To get started:

  1. Login at
  2. Create a new sheet
  3. Add a column for each value you wish to extract
  4. Use the relevant Orca Variable as the default value
  5. Import your spreadsheet of UDI barcodes

How to extract UDI barcode data from a scan?

The Orca Scan mobile app automatically extracts the data from each UDI barcode into separate columns. To get started:

  1. Download the Orca Scan app onto your iOS or Android device
  2. Create a new sheet
  3. Add a column for each value you wish to extract
  4. Use the relevant Orca Variable as the default value
  5. Scan a UDI barcode

Need help working with UDI barcodes?

The Orca team has worked with over 50,000 organizations to implement custom barcode tracking solutions. We recognize that not all business processes are the same, and what works for one might not work for another - if you need help, chat with us live.