BCBP Barcode Decoder

How to extract data from a BCBP barcode

Bar Coded Boarding Pass (BCBP) barcodes uniquely identify passenger and flight information, streamlining the boarding process and enhancing airport security. Enter a BCBP barcode value to see a detailed breakdown of the encoded information.

What information does a BCBP barcode contain?

A BCBP Barcode contains information about the ticket holder, as well as detailed information about each flight, including:

Name Description Orca Variable
Format Code Format Code $BCBP:FORMATCODE
Version Number Barcode Version Number $BCBP:VERSIONNUMBER
Number of Legs Number of Flight Legs $BCBP:NUMBEROFLEGS
First Name First Name of the Passenger $BCBP:FIRSTNAME
Last Name Last Name of the Passenger $BCBP:LASTNAME
Full Name Full Name of the Passenger (lastName/firstName) $BCBP:PASSENGERNAME
Ticket Indicator Electronic Ticket Indicator $BCBP:TICKETINDICATOR
Passenger Type Passenger Description $BCBP:PASSENGERDESCRIPTION
Check In Type Check In Type $BCBP:CHECKINTYPE
Issuance Type Issuance Type $BCBP:ISSUANCETYPE
Issuance Date Issuance Date $BCBP:ISSUANCEDATE
Document Type Document Type $BCBP:DOCUMENTTYPE
Issuing Airline Issuing Airline IATA Code $BCBP:ISSUINGAIRLINE
Baggage Tag 1 Baggage Tag License Number 1 $BCBP:BAGGAGETAG1
Baggage Tag 1 Quantity Number of Bags in Tag 1 $BCBP:TAG1QUANTITY
Baggage Tag 2 Baggage Tag License Number 2 $BCBP:BAGGAGETAG2
Baggage Tag 2 Quantity Number of Bags in Tag 2 $BCBP:TAG2QUANTITY
Baggage Tag 3 Baggage Tag License Number 3 $BCBP:BAGGAGETAG3
Baggage Tag 3 Quantity Number of Bags in Tag 3 $BCBP:TAG3QUANTITY
Security Data Type Security Data Type $BCBP:SECURITYDATATYPE
Security Data Length Security Data Length $BCBP:SECURITYDATALENGTH
Security Data Security Data $BCBP:SECURITYDATA
Passenger Name Record {N} Leg - Passenger Name Record $BCBP:LEG{N}PNR
Origin {N} Leg - Origin $BCBP:LEG{N}ORIGIN
Destination {N} Leg - Destination $BCBP:LEG{N}DESTINATION
Airline Code {N} Leg - IATA Airline Code $BCBP:LEG{N}AIRLINE
Flight Number {N} Leg - Flight Number $BCBP:LEG{N}FLIGHTNUMBER
Flight Date {N} Leg - Flight Date $BCBP:LEG{N}FLIGHTDATE
Compartment {N} Leg - Compartment Code $BCBP:LEG{N}COMPARTMENT
Seat Number {N} Leg - Seat Number $BCBP:LEG{N}SEATNUMBER
Check In Sequence {N} Leg - Check In Sequence $BCBP:LEG{N}CHECKINSEQUENCE
Passenger Status {N} Leg - Passenger Status $BCBP:LEG{N}PASSENGERSTATUS
Airline Numeric Code {N} Leg - Airline Numeric Code $BCBP:LEG{N}ANC
Document Serial Number {N} Leg - Document Serial Number $BCBP:LEG{N}DOCUMENTSERIALNUMBER
Selectee Indicator {N} Leg - Selectee Indicator $BCBP:LEG{N}SELECTEEINDICATOR
Document Verification {N} Leg - International Document Verification $BCBP:LEG{N}IDV
Marketing Airline {N} Leg - Marketing Carrier Airline $BCBP:LEG{N}MARKETINGAIRLINE
Frequent Flyer Airline {N} Leg - Frequent Flyer Airline $BCBP:LEG{N}FREQUENTFLYERAIRLINE
Frequent Flyer Number {N} Leg - Frequent Flyer Number $BCBP:LEG{N}FREQUENTFLYERNUMBER
Discount Indicator {N} Leg - Discount Indicator $BCBP:LEG{N}DISCOUNTINDICATOR
Free Baggage Allowance {N} Leg - Free Baggage Allowance $BCBP:LEG{N}FREEBAGGAGEALLOWANCE
Fast Track {N} Leg - Fast Track $BCBP:LEG{N}FASTTRACK
Airline Use {N} Leg - Individual Airline Use String $BCBP:LEG{N}AIRLINEUSE

Important: Replace {N} with the specific leg number of the flight in a multi-leg journey. For example, if you are retrieving data for the second flight segment, replace {N} with 2.

Need help with BCBP barcodes?

The Orca team has worked with over 50,000 organizations to implement custom barcode tracking solutions. We recognize that not all business processes are the same, and what works for one might not work for another - if you need help, chat with us live.

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