Decoded UDI barcode information for:

Valid: UDI barcode. Also a valid GS1 and FMD barcode.

What information does my barcode contain?

Your raw barcode value (including hidden characters) is the following:


Your barcode contains the following UDI encoded values:

Name Description Orca Variable Value
Device Identifier Device Identifier (GTIN, PCN) $UDI:DI 05012617005687
Lot Number Lot Number of a Device $UDI:LOT HU229211980434772961
Barcode Type The Standard the UDI Barcode follows $UDI:TYPE GS1

How do I extract UDI values from the barcode?

You can use the following steps to extract values from UDI barcodes using Orca Scan:

  1. Login to your Orca Scan account
  2. Create a new sheet
  3. Create a column for the value you wish to extract
  4. Set the default value to one of the Orca Variables above
  5. Save your changes

That's it, now every time you scan or import UDI barcodes, your values will be extracted and moved to the correct columns.

What information does a UDI barcode contain?

A UDI can be divided into a Device Identifier, containing manufacturer and general device information, and a Production Identifier, that provides device-specific information.

Name Description Orca Variable
Device Identifier Device Identifier (GTIN, PCN) $UDI:DI
Lot Number Lot Number of a Device $UDI:LOT
Expiry Date Expiry Date of a Device $UDI:EXPIRYDATE
Serial Number Serial Number of a Device $UDI:SERIAL
Production Date Production Date of a Device $UDI:PRODDATE
Barcode Type The Standard the UDI Barcode follows $UDI:TYPE

UDI barcodes can be encoded using a number of different barcode standars. Using the $UDI Orca variable removes the need to know in advance, which standard was used.

Need help with UDI barcodes?

The Orca team has worked with over 50,000 organizations to implement custom barcode tracking solutions. We recognize that not all business processes are the same, and what works for one might not work for another - if you need help, chat with us live.

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