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New features, fixes and improvements requested by Orca users

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Do you know what scares us? Bugs 🐞

31 Oct 2023

🎃 Spooky season is here, and our updates are more delightful than frightful! 👻

Can we fix it? Yes we can 💪

9 Oct 2023

We’re not saying there were bugs in the system, but we will say there are a couple of fixes in this release 👀

Stay Informed: Recent Updates and Improvements 📢

11 Sep 2023

Stay informed or you’ll miss out on our latest shenanigans! 🙃

Bug Squashing Bonanza! 🐞🚀

10 Aug 2023

A smaller release this time, but we’ve squashed some more of those pesky bugs 🐞

Back again with more bug fixes!

7 Mar 2023

Keep them coming 💪 we’re just non-stop fixing!

More Bug Fixes

20 Feb 2023

Thanks again for all the feedback! We’ve got a few more fixes for you.

Improved stability and bug fixes

8 Feb 2023

We’ve released the update v11.10.0, where multiple bugs have been fixed, including the bug that stopped a true/false data type from being selected, the inability to scroll down when editing a column, the incorrect time format showing on the mobile app, and the bug that prevented saving a default value. We’ve also added the change log to the app and made improvements to our core infrastructure to increase stability.

Using triggers with signature fields

16 Dec 2022

Released a mobile app update (v11.9.0); which includes:

Small bug fixes

12 Oct 2022

Just a few more bug fixes ;-)

Better stability

22 Sep 2022

This update fixes a stability issue (thanks ChiChi)

Fixed bugs with triggers and photos

14 Sep 2022

This update fixes a bug where triggers do not detect when a photo is added.

Bug fixes for $ decoding

4 Jul 2022

This update fixes a bug decoding barcodes that contain $ (thanks Curtis)

Fix UDI decoding issues

26 Mar 2022

This update includes:

Bug fix when scanning UPC barcodes

7 Dec 2021

This update resolves a bug when scanning UPC barcodes (thank you Michelle)

Email and signature bug fixes

12 May 2021

A couple of bug fixes:

A UI fix or two

10 May 2021

Fixed a couple of UI issues (thanks, Nick)

Fixed date/timezone issues

19 Apr 2021

We’ve fixed the date/timezone issue. Thank you to Clark and others for raising this. Let us know what you’d like to see next

Improved print representation of sheets

13 Apr 2021

A few more tweaks:

Bug fixes with Unique ID field types

22 Mar 2021

This update fixes a bug when using a Unique ID field type as the barcode field

App loading bug fix

21 Mar 2021

Quick update to resolve a random loading bug when starting the app (sorry about that)

Fix print barcode issue

7 Mar 2021

Quick update to fix the print barcode issue (long press an item in the list to print a barcode)

Fixed some triggers bugs

1 Nov 2020

Hi there, this release fixes the bugs you raised:

Minor UI bugs

7 Feb 2020

Resolved a few minor UI bugs

Fixed autofocus on numeric fields

22 Dec 2019

This update fixes a few annoying bugs:

Issues with loading cloud data

20 Nov 2019

Quick update:

Better support for notched devices

28 Oct 2019

Quick update to fix a UI bug on devices with a notch.

Fixed view barcode history

24 Sep 2019

Quick fix: long-press to view barcode history was a bit buggy. All sorted now :)

Grouping and sorting bug fix

13 Jun 2019

This update fixes an intermittent bug with the grouping and sorting features.

Email subject for exports

7 Jun 2019

Fixed email export subject bug

Date Time bug

22 May 2019

Resolved auto date time bug

Timezone issue

16 May 2019

We’ve fixed the timezone issue and applied a few visual tweaks. Enjoy!

Fixed timezone issue

23 Jan 2019

Fixed timezone issue with auto date time fields

UI changes

16 Jan 2019

Fixed required number fields bug

21 Nov 2018

Fixed required number fields bug causing them to reject 0 as a value

Fixed quantity bug

6 Oct 2018

Fixed increase quantity bug

September bug fixes

26 Sep 2018

Thanks again for the feedback!

Fixed export to Excel bug

13 Sep 2018

We’ve resolved a random export as Microsoft Excel bug some of you experienced. Thank you for reporting this.

A few more bug fixes

3 Sep 2018

This update contains a few bug fixes. Thank you for raising them!

Minor bug fixes

3 Jan 2018

Thank you for your feedback! This update includes a few fixes:

Fixed unable to connect issue

22 Dec 2017

Fixed intermittent “unable to connect” error after an app update

Resolved iOS 10 issue

20 Dec 2017

We fixed an issue with iOS 10 that caused the app to crash after an app update.